
Youth IGF goes Digital Sustainability

2020 will be all about digital sustainability and the unique role of young people to lead the way when it comes to sustainable development, fair digital businesses, a greener Internet and digital inclusion that leaves no-one behind.


It has become clear that joint efforts for digital sustainability from all stakeholder groups in Internet governance are necessary to make our digital lives more sustainable. Apart from ecological aspects, this also means to work on fair business models, social inclusion, and transparent and accountable governance of and on the Internet.

In July 2020, we will open the call for working group members to deliberate on four policy topics:

  • Greening the Internet
  • Fair Digital Businesses
  • Social Inclusion in the Digital Age
  • Sustainable Internet Governance


Working group members shall be between 16 and 30 years old, from different backgrounds, and all world regions. Together, each working group shall deliberate high-level policy recommendations to be presented to the United Nation’s Internet Governance Forum 2020.

The messages and policy recommendations of the 2019 Youth IGF Summit can be found in the report.


Your Contact
Elisabeth Schauermann
German Informatics Society (GI)
Project Coordinator
Phone: +49 (0) 30 24009-806
Mail: mail_at_yigf.de


a project by
supporting partners in 2019