Messages of Youth IGF Germany

The Youth Internet Governance Forum has produced tangible outcomes in their work on digital sustainability surrounding the 2020 Internet Governance Forum Germany

"Besides many crises, 2020 has also brought pleasant surprises for us: Germany experienced an unexpected surge in technological development. At the same time, worldwide greenhouse gases are falling by almost 20 % due to industrial shutdowns. This year, thus, reflects two developments that can no longer be separated: Digitization and Sustainability.

As a result, we wondered whether existing positive synergies between these can be further enhanced. For this reason, the Youth IGF Germany hosted a session on September 10, 2020, as part of this year's IGF Germany on the topic of "Digital New Start 2020 - Sustainable New Beginning for Economy and Society?”. The goal of the interactive format was to develop solution-oriented questions and calls-to- action together with the participants on where the forced acceleration of digitization in 2020 can benefit sustainable development in Germany. The definition of the UN Sustainable Development Goals was used as a basis for discussion and enriched by lightning talks by our experts from science, civil society and youth. Panelists included Eric Hohennadel, pupil at the Klicksafe e.V. Youth Panel, Kerstin Fritzsche, Head of Research on Digitization at the Research Institute for Futures Studies and Technology Assessment (IZT), and Sophia Bachmann and Felix Kaminski, German Youth Delegates for Sustainable Development to the UN."



You can download their messages in English and German.



a project by
supporting partners in 2019